
Press On Toward The Goal

2008年9月6日 星期六

Our Last Summer by ABBA

Mamma Mia 裡面非常喜歡的一首歌,用溫暖的嗓音唱著

Our Last Summer 我們消逝的的盛夏光年
by ABBA 合唱團˙翻譯 by Jas Chen

The summer air was soft and warm 夏日輕柔的溫暖氣息
The feeling right, the Paris night 就是這樣的感覺,就是如此的巴黎夜
Did its best to please us 還有什麼能更讓我們愉悅?
And strolling down the Elysees 漫步在香射里榭大道
We had a drink in each cafe 在每間咖啡館留連
And you 而你
You talked of politics, philosophy你談著政治哲學人生大道理
and I 而我
Smiled like Mona Lisa 在你的身邊含羞地笑得像蒙娜麗莎
We had our chance 我們有過的
It was a fine and true romance美妙而真實

I can still recall our last summer 我還記得我們消逝的盛夏光年
I still see it all 它仍歷歷在目
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain 在塞納河邊的漫步,在雨中的歡笑
Our last summer 我們消逝的盛夏光年
Memories that remain 記憶不曾消失

We made our way along the river 我們沿著河走
And we sat down in the grass 我們在青草地歇息
By the Eiffel tower 在艾菲爾鐵塔邊
I was so happy we had met 我多麼開心你我的相遇
It was the age of no regret 那時不懂什麼叫遺憾
Oh yes 是的
Those crazy years, that was the time 那些輕狂歲月
Of the flower-power 我們擁有花朵般浪漫力量
But underneath we had a fear of flying 但在那之下,我們害怕飛翔
Of getting old, a fear of slowly dying 害怕逐漸變老,害怕花朵緩慢地凋謝
We took the chance 我們抓住當下
Like we were dancing our last dance 像每支舞都是我們最後的一曲

And now you’re working in a bank 而你如今在銀行工作
The family man, the football fan 一家之主,足球狂熱
And your name is Harry 頂著平凡庸俗的姓名
How dull it seems 好蠢
Yet you’re the hero of my dreams 但在我夢裡,你卻是英雄

I can still recall our last summer 我始終記得我們消逝的盛夏光年
I still see it all 它仍在我眼前
In the tourist jam, round the Notre dame 那個擁擠人潮中的聖母院
Our last summer 我們的盛夏光年
Walking hand in hand 心手相連
Paris restaurants 巴黎的小餐廳
Our last summer我們的盛夏光年
Morning croissants 早晨的可頌麵包
Living for the day, worries far away 生活在當下,憂慮好遙遠


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